Book, Music
& Lyrics by
Rebecca Murillo
Young Adult
A Seat At The Table

It is often stated that history is written by the winners and their stories, in turn, become the history we are taught. However, during a high school World History class, one student finds the courage to speak up for herself and the missing stories in the history books.

Cast Size
5m, 5f

10 min.

A high school World History class in California, pre-pandemic.

Musical Theatre

Equality, Friendship, High school, Adolescence, Racism

Target Audience
Teens, Adults, Any Age

Pop/Contemporary MT


Additional Resources
Accompaniment Tracks, Plunk Tracks, Musx Files

Casting Information
MR. SPICER - (White; 30s+) the students high school World History teacher.
CITLALLI HERNANDEZ - (Latiné) a bright, head strong student who feels isolated in her feelings about the lack of representation in history; Bilingual.
GAEL MARTINEZ - (Latiné) one of Citlalli's best friends who is headstrong; Bilingual.
CAROLINA (CARO) KAPLAN - (Latiné) one of Citlalli's friends who is empathetic to those around her; Bilingual.
IRIS IBARRA - (Latiné) was once friends with the other Latiné students in her class and has grown up assimilating her whole life and has always felt very self-conscious of her inability to speak Spanish and fit in with her peers.
THOMAS PETERSON - (Black or Afro-Latino) the smartest student in his class who has a crush on Citlalli.
BRYCE NEILSON - (White) a student
KEVIN FRANCIS - (White) a student
LYLA THOMPSON - (White) a student
DAKOTA MILLER - (White) a student
Production History
A Seat At The Table was originally produced by Theatre Now New York as part of their SOUND
BITES Festival. TNNY.com The stage rights for A Seat At The Table is available through Music
Theatre International (MTI) mtishows.com
2021 Cast
Directed by Trent Soyster
Citlalli ................................................ Elisa Galindez
Gael .................................................. Christopher Alvarado
Caro ................................................. Jianzi Colón-Soto
Iris .................................................... Alisa Melendez
Thomas ............................................. Daniel Yearwood
Mr. Spicer .......................................... Andrew O’Shanick
Bryce ................................................ Christian Flaherty
Lyla ................................................... Catherine Ariale
Dakota ............................................... Leana Rae Concepcion
Kevin ................................................. Caleb James Grochalski
2022 Cast
Directed by Hillary Dominguez
Choreographed by Cole Wachman
Citlalli ................................................ Gabriela Hernandez
Gael ................................................... Benjamin Santiago
Caro ................................................... Erika Xiomara Reyes
Iris ..................................................... Hillary Dominguez
Thomas ................................................ Levane Harrington
Ms. Spicer ............................................. Jazley Genovese
Lyla ..................................................... Catherine Ariale
Bryce .................................................. Max Chlumecky
Dakota ................................................ Hannah Skokan
Kevin .................................................. Tim Webb
In 2024,︎ A Seat at the Table was produced as a radio play by IndieWorks Theatre Company as
part of their mini︎musical series︎ Bite︎Sized Broadway︎ Series created by Jonathon Lynch︎;
Executive Producer︎/Creative Director:︎ Christopher Michaels︎
Author Bios

REBECCA MURILLO is a composer/lyricist originally from Orange County, California. Her musical works have been performed on college campuses and in venues across the country. Projects: Breathe - a new musical (92nd Y/Film/ Amazon Audible Original), A Seat at the Table (TNNY Soundbites Festival), Not Quite Extinct (Pace University). Other: Bhangin’ It (La Jolla Playhouse, Music Assistant), Double Helix (Bay Street Theatre, Music Assistant), Jesus Christ Superstar (Schimmel Theater, Additional Orchestrations). Rebecca is currently part of the 2023 Julia de Burgos Cohort with the Latiné Musical Theatre Lab & was a finalist for the Write Out Loud Contest Vol. 3. B.F.A. Musical Theater from Pace University. @rebecca.murillo